Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our 2012 Christmas Card

Just finished this year's card @ Shutterfly...think it turned out great!
5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, March 24, 2012



Another bird picture, my resident woodpecker.  He's been making himself at home in the pecan tree all winter.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Another quick pic post....little mockingbird perched on a rocking chair on the patio. Used Topaz Simplify filter.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Long time no post! I believe I'm going to try and post a few pics a week on here, mostly from around the "homestead". Here goes the first. This is Blackie posing on top of my printer.  Pic was cropped and run through a Topaz filter in Photoshop Elements.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ode to the "Watcher" Kid

My beautiful barn cat, the "Watcher" Kid met his demise Saturday morning on the hateful highway that runs in front of my house. It's a US Highway with quite a bit of traffic, dangerous for animals and humans alike. When John got home from work on Saturday morning he woke me up and told me that one of our outside kitties was laying beside the road. There is an old abandoned house and pack house on the lot next to us. This is where generations of wild cats have lived for as long as I can remember. We began feeding them a couple of years ago when 3 tiny sisters showed up on our doorstep one winter morning very hungry. The rest is history...(after you give them that first bowl of milk or food you just can't stop doing it as they grow to expect it). The Watcher was the son of one of the original 3 sisters, "Big Sis". We named him that because he would come and just stare at our door for long periods of time, almost like willing one of us to come out and put some food in the bowl on the porch. John also called him "Serious" Kitty as he always...looked serious. The Kid was also one of the most photogenic cats I've ever seen. I have loads of pics of him, being serious and always watching. I had only been able to pet him a couple of times when he was totally engaged in a bowl of milk....then he would realize that I had my hand on him and he would beat a hasty retreat. He was unlike any typical tom cat I've ever known as he stayed so close to home. He was around almost everyday, not taking off like most toms do for days or weeks at a time. I guess that's one reason why his getting run over comes as such a shock to me. That and the fact that I had secretly wanted to scoop him up and turn him into an "inside" kitty. After John gave me the bad news, I threw on some clothes and ran out to where he lay. He hadn't been dead for long and was still warm. I was able to pick up his little lifeless body with the trash bag I had brought with me. I took him to a spot by the front porch of the old, abandoned house and laid him to rest. As I walked back home, crying all the way, all I could think of was how sad it was that this was the only time I had been able to pick him up in my arms and hold him. I don't believe he suffered; he appeared to have been killed instantly and for that I was glad. I know he is not the first or the last cat to meet his end on the road and so is life for an "outside" kitty, but I sure will miss his adorable face and serious, steadfast gaze. Rest in Peace, little brought a little something extra to our lives and we love you for it.

The top layout contains a paper and frame (Chic Spring) by CatherineDesigns, the bottom layout contains a page cluster (Cottage Charm) by Raspberry Road Design CT Ellen, paper by me.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Miss You Both So Much!

I am so terribly sad. My precious Mousie and John's adored Kitty have both gone to the Rainbow Bridge within days of each other. Mousie on September 4th and Kitty, just this past Saturday (the 13th) this blog is no longer "5 and Counting", sadly it is "3 and Counting."

Mouse has been with me through thick and thin for almost 17 long years. I could always count on him to be there for me when no one else was. He has comforted me through the good times and the bad with a soft paw and his incredibly loud purrs. He had this cute way of jumping in my lap and "bumping" my head as if to say "I love you, Mommy!" The past year has been so hard watching him waste away to nothing and knowing that sometimes he did not even seem to recognize me. It just got to the point that I could not stand to see him jump at his shadow anymore. He was almost blind and could not get comfortable enough to sleep more than a few minutes at a time. So....I made the very hard decision to let go and have him put to sleep. John was so sweet....he took Mouse for me as I would have never been able to do this myself. I feel it was the right thing to do as he just didn't seem to be my Mousie any more. Sleep well my baby and I hope one day to see you again. I love you with all my heart and will never forget you.

Kitty had been with John almost 3 years prior to my meeting him in 2000, and since that time she had taken over a large chunk of my heart also. Kitty was a very large girl, but her heart was equally huge. She loved John with an almost human love and was very jealous over him. She had only in the past couple of years grown to love me almost as much as him. It would be funny sometimes just to see how possessive of John she was....she always had to be touching him with a paw if he were around. Even the tiniest kiss from me would cause her to scurry over to him as quickly as possible and "lay on the paw" as is to say, "he's mine". LOL! John had been through some rough spots prior to our meeting and he always credits Kitty with saving him in those trying times. She was his anchor and loved him adoringly 'til the end. Her death is a double whammy coming so close to Mousie's departure. She had always snored a lot when she slept so when we noticed she seemed to be snoring louder, we really just chalked it up to a head cold until the day I saw this tiny drop of blood on the bed where she had been laying. We immediately took her to the vet and began treating her with 2 very strong antibiotics in hopes that it was just a sinus infection, however the vet had been very forthright with us, telling us that he believed it to be more serious (cancer). She seemed to get better while on her meds but within a day of completing her meds, she was back to sounding like she could barely breathe through her nose and would not eat or drink (not eating was a big issue for Kitty....eating was her most favorite thing next to John). She even started hiding in the cabinet on Friday night so we figured she was trying to find a private place to die. John could not bear to see her like this and the vet had told us there was pretty much nothing we could do. On Saturday morning and not wanting her to suffer all weekend I hurriedly called the vet and they said to bring her. John had taken Mouse to be put to sleep for me and I felt I needed to return the favor for him. John's birthday is today, I would have hated for these two days to be forever linked. So in less than 2 weeks both of our precious angels are gone. I hope one day to see you again Kitty and as sad as I am about Mousie's passing, at least you two can be together again while you wait for us.

The top layout contains a frame cluster by one of Susan Darter's (Rasberry Road Designs) CT, Ellen. It is from Susan's kit,
Paris Nights. Please see the link to her blog in my sidebar. She does beautiful work! The paper was by me.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Max and Zack!!!!

I just want to wish my "fur nephews" a very happy birthday this weekend. Actually, their birthdays are a couple of weeks apart, but my brother and his partner have chosen to celebrate in-between with a birthday cake and other special treats. Each year they get a cake with their pic on it (the cake, however, I believe is mostly an excuse for the two Dads to have a sweet treat, LOL!) Anyway, little fur guys, hope you get lots of prezzies and treats. Love from your Aunt Catlady and your 5 furry cousins!